@FoxNews: White House seeks revisions to Dems’ FISA rebuttal memo, halting release https://t.co/p3qYiG7di5 February 10, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: White House seeks revisions to Dems’ FISA rebuttal memo, halting release https://t.co/p3qYiG7di5 White House seeks revisions to Dems' FISA rebuttal memo, halting release https://t.co/p3qYiG7di5 — Fox News (@FoxNews) February 10, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: On @WattersWorld, Counselor to the President @KellyannePolls reacted to the president’s speech at CPAC 2018. https://t.co/Um6VP4hqYM 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@KarlRove: “The only reason that there are positive signals coming out of North Korea is the harshness of the sanctions that the [Trump] administration with China and Russia and everybody else aboard has been able to install on the North Korean regime.” #TheStory https://t.co/B9dFlCNdbF 6 years ago
@FoxNews: “[@POTUS] missed the opportunity to say, ‘We don’t stand for domestic violence.'” WATCH: @HowardKurtz’s full interview with Jennie Willoughby, Rob Porter’s ex-wife, on #MediaBuzz. https://t.co/Nm5eaBaQxB 7 years ago
@FoxNews: TUNE IN: @POTUS joins @foxandfriends at 8a ET this morning on Fox News Channel. https://t.co/17TpJDG4Km 6 years ago
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@FoxNews: ‘Pay-to-play’ at Clinton State Department exposed in new emails, watchdog says https://t.co/8POrak9Fjq via @brookefoxnews 7 years ago