@FoxNews: Trump vs. pro sports: President finds new target in America First agenda https://t.co/RIoHq2DlAs September 23, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Trump vs. pro sports: President finds new target in America First agenda https://t.co/RIoHq2DlAs Trump vs. pro sports: President finds new target in America First agendahttps://t.co/RIoHq2DlAs — Fox News (@FoxNews) September 23, 2017 fox
@FoxNews: .@kayleighmcenany: “What was degrading to Americans was Benghazi…It is not degrading to enforce borders, raise economic prospects for millions of Americans and dominate on the foreign policy realm which is exactly what @POTUS is doing.” #TheStory https://t.co/7gmBdS4mBE 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Facebook announced nearly 50 million accounts were exposed during a major security breach. @Jeff_Journalist reports. https://t.co/g7wkDHpRyn https://t.co/1D6LHteawM 6 years ago
@FoxNews: TOMORROW: A special 2-hour SCANDALOUS – First, Episode 2: ‘A Woman Called Paula,’ then an all-new Episode 3: ‘There Is a Story Here’ – It all begins at 7p ET on Fox News Channel! https://t.co/Uo9nXM3dX8 https://t.co/eTavKJtNJC 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Gowdy accuses Strzok of ‘textbook bias’ in heated public hearing (via @brookefoxnews) https://t.co/7FPaFH7Kwq 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@RepSeanDuffy on @SpeakerRyan’s departure: “If you look at what we’ve done in the House under Paul Ryan’s leadership, we’ve accomplished [@POTUS’] agenda.” @IngrahamAngle https://t.co/MaF2sE6NWl 6 years ago