@FoxNews: Trump vs. Clinton: The feud continues even after the election https://t.co/OcQ2c2jUW4 September 12, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Trump vs. Clinton: The feud continues even after the election https://t.co/OcQ2c2jUW4 Trump vs. Clinton: The feud continues even after the election https://t.co/OcQ2c2jUW4 — Fox News (@FoxNews) September 12, 2017 fox
@FoxNews: Stuart Varney on the economy: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” https://t.co/QyegAgw6yY 6 years ago
@FoxNews: HARD AT WORK: Video shows the massive number of crews responding to Florida to help rebuild after Hurricane Michael. Utility worker Brian Kannada recorded it at the Pensacola Fairground, which is full of equipment awaiting departure to Panama City. https://t.co/h628RMHGws 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @ShepNewsTeam: AFTER THE SHOW: We’ll be live on Facebook Watch with a Fox News Update at https://t.co/IpXcWDUA5J with more on @SecPompeo’s testimony on Capitol Hill. Plus, an update on pop star Demi Lovato’s condition after an apparent overdose. https://t.co/PXzF32rzXr 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@JHoganGidley on tax reform: “We hope that this tax bill actually gets to the president’s desk.” @foxandfriends https://t.co/pON4ttgzxE 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Wisconsin Senate candidate’s parents max out donations to Democrat he’s trying unseat https://t.co/fdI59UWrJX 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: American Spotlight🔦 – prevalence of obesity (%) (ages 20 and over) •1988-1994: 22.9% •1999-2000: 30.5% •2001-2002: 30.5% •2003-2004: 32.2% •2005-2006: 34.3% •2007-2008: 33.7% •2009-2010: 35.7% •2011-2012: 34.9% •2013-2014: 37.7% •2015-2016: 39.6% (CDC) https://t.co/HQkXEP5gwl 6 years ago