@FoxNews: .@therealroseanne is on @kanyewest’s side. https://t.co/E5qh9TjJsi https://t.co/H9ssv9Rdzt May 3, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@therealroseanne is on @kanyewest’s side. https://t.co/E5qh9TjJsi https://t.co/H9ssv9Rdzt .@therealroseanne is on @kanyewest's side. https://t.co/E5qh9TjJsi pic.twitter.com/H9ssv9Rdzt — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 3, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@jasoninthehouse: “I think the Democrats from the onset have said they would go to any length to make sure that they delay and defeat this nomination.” #Outnumbered https://t.co/8yQ82rloLg 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Catherine Herridge on Saudi statement: “It had a lot of loose ends sort of tied up: the arrests, the demotions — and then this very simplistic explanation of what they say happened at the consulate.” @foxnewsnight https://t.co/ou1qq4Zl5f https://t.co/9jozb6p9AB 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@ChrisMurphyCT on #IranNuclearDeal: Iran is complying with the agreement…There is no chance the deal will be renegotiated. 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@KieranLalor: ‘You definitely want to run with Trump on your side.” @FoxFriendsFirst https://t.co/kpTGHc8pqa 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@GeraldoRivera: “Elections have consequences. Donald Trump won the election, he gets the right to nominate the candidate for the Supreme Court.” https://t.co/BRsXW3lkl6 6 years ago