@FoxNews: Team Clinton giddy over Democrats’ big day in 2017 state, local elections https://t.co/Uu1tsKmT1I November 8, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Team Clinton giddy over Democrats’ big day in 2017 state, local elections https://t.co/Uu1tsKmT1I Team Clinton giddy over Democrats' big day in 2017 state, local elections https://t.co/Uu1tsKmT1I — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 8, 2017 fox
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@FoxNews: .@DarrellIssa: “I want to know why people are still working for the Department of Justice and FBI, who clearly showed wrongdoing.” https://t.co/o8j1ki1DIL 6 years ago
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@FoxNews: .@SenMikeLee on Mueller probe: “I don’t call it a witch hunt. I call it an investigation. But I also call it an investigation that I would like to see wrap up in the near future.” #Cavuto https://t.co/k91thhIOKy 6 years ago