@FoxNews: .@SebGorka on the Iran deal: “As far as I’m concerned… the deal is dead.” https://t.co/CqD5AHWL7I May 7, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@SebGorka on the Iran deal: “As far as I’m concerned… the deal is dead.” https://t.co/CqD5AHWL7I .@SebGorka on the Iran deal: “As far as I’m concerned… the deal is dead.” pic.twitter.com/CqD5AHWL7I — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 7, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: WATCH: A little girl captivated the attention of a lioness with her stuffed Simba toy from the movie “The Lion King”. https://t.co/fRncTwcBTO https://t.co/dSbkj8c4po 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Bernard Kerik: “I would urge the American people to think extremely highly of the FBI. The FBI agents across this country, 14,000 of them that go out every day and put their lives on the line, and do things that a lot of people wouldn’t have the courage to do.” @foxnewsnight https://t.co/kZ4SDLAPAR 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Yanny or Laurel? Internet split on what name they hear in this audio clip. https://t.co/mfXJ341j4v 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@Scaramucci on midterm elections: “Republicans have to bring out the vote.” https://t.co/oz79ps4C4q 6 years ago
@FoxNews: EPA claims ‘American ingenuity,’ not Paris accord, cutting greenhouse gas emissions https://t.co/lQCeH9fpA5 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@MarkSteynOnline: “There’s no point being the wealthiest person, most successful celebrity, a household name…if you can’t issue a seven-word tweet without people demanding that you withdraw it.” #Tucker https://t.co/GZasZYwTaB https://t.co/habIyPyOX3 6 years ago