@FoxNews: RT @ShepNewsTeam: Fox News Afternoon Update on Facebook Watch: https://t.co/mnECzx4UzS August 24, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: RT @ShepNewsTeam: Fox News Afternoon Update on Facebook Watch: https://t.co/mnECzx4UzS Fox News Afternoon Update on Facebook Watch: https://t.co/mnECzx4UzS — Shepard Smith (@ShepNewsTeam) August 24, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@POTUS: “Today, we’re here in a bipartisan fashion to show leadership in an effort to end this senseless violence. It can be ended, and it will be ended.” https://t.co/rq3wzw9qF7 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@LindseyGrahamSC: “He was my mentor, he was my friend and I feel a real obligation to send him off well and to continue the legacy.” https://t.co/z9Hy98EkwT 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Should the Cleveland @Indians drop Chief Wahoo? https://t.co/rD7E7BgUxs https://t.co/PzboOtzVoV 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@TomBossert45 on Irma efforts in the Caribbean, U.S.: “This is the best integrative, full-scale response effort in… https://t.co/f55ivPayub 7 years ago
@FoxNews: ABOVE THE CALL OF DUTY: Several days after a nor’easter slammed the area, police officers continued to clear the roads, including this officer who is removing a tree that was obstructing traffic in Livingston, New Jersey. https://t.co/RWv0FiCr3C 6 years ago