@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@pdoocy with a recap of yesterday’s @AMarch4OurLives https://t.co/raaecYhX8b March 25, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@pdoocy with a recap of yesterday’s @AMarch4OurLives https://t.co/raaecYhX8b .@pdoocy with a recap of yesterday's @AMarch4OurLives pic.twitter.com/raaecYhX8b — FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) March 25, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@SteveScalise: “The United States being strong is critical to the rest of the world having the opportunity for fre… https://t.co/O7t5kdObEu 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@JudgeJeanine: “@realDonaldTrump is more than the man [Kim Jong Un] thinks he is. He has already outsmarted him and that can get us a peace deal that will certainly last a long, long time.” https://t.co/XPnhVSYyTF 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Charles Hurt: “Conservatives have enjoyed more victories over the past year than I think that we have since perhaps Reagan.” https://t.co/5mM4NMXMyy 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@TaxFighterSteel: “We have to overturn this bad law in California… This law is unconstitutional.” https://t.co/lFDN3Y9RhV https://t.co/dXHGKdhgYZ 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Poll: 60% of Texas voters support using the @USNationalGuard to patrol the border. https://t.co/6i9O8qgfyg 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Thomas Homan told @IngrahamAngle that the president’s quick actions on the approaching migrant caravan are meant to send a message to future caravans. https://t.co/X6Fp29ospU https://t.co/w7bsET41Mo 6 years ago