@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: Staff Sgt Ronald Shurer II:
•Former Army medic
•Heroic actions in Afghanistan in 2008
—Fought way up mountain through a hail of bullets
—Aided 4 critically wounded US units, 10 injured commandos
—Shot in helmet and arm
—Kept insurgents at bay for hours while caring for wounded https://t.co/7Su7KN6JY0
Staff Sgt Ronald Shurer II:
•Former Army medic
•Heroic actions in Afghanistan in 2008
—Fought way up mountain through a hail of bullets
—Aided 4 critically wounded US units, 10 injured commandos
—Shot in helmet and arm
—Kept insurgents at bay for hours while caring for wounded https://t.co/7Su7KN6JY0— Fox News Research (@FoxNewsResearch) October 1, 2018