@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: #OTD 2017 → Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas •Category 4 •Winds of 133 mph •60+ inches of rain over southeastern TX •300,000+ structures flooded •68 deaths •Deadliest hurricane to hit TX since 1919 •Cost of ~$125 billion •2nd-most costly hurricane in US history https://t.co/7ryfNGjpsf

@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: #OTD 2017 → Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas
•Category 4
•Winds of 133 mph
•60+ inches of rain over southeastern TX
•300,000+ structures flooded
•68 deaths
•Deadliest hurricane to hit TX since 1919
•Cost of ~$125 billion
•2nd-most costly hurricane in US history https://t.co/7ryfNGjpsf