@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: Gauging Kavanaugh’s Democratic Support •2006: Four Dem Senators supported Kavanaugh for DC Court of Appeals → 1 of the 4, Tom Carper (D-DE), remains in Senate •2017: Three Democratic Senators supported Gorsuch’s nomination → Manchin (D-WV), Donnelly (D-IN), Heitkamp (ND) https://t.co/oXzVp7KeLn

@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsResearch: Gauging Kavanaugh’s Democratic Support

•2006: Four Dem Senators supported Kavanaugh for DC Court of Appeals
→ 1 of the 4, Tom Carper (D-DE), remains in Senate

•2017: Three Democratic Senators supported Gorsuch’s nomination
→ Manchin (D-WV), Donnelly (D-IN), Heitkamp (ND) https://t.co/oXzVp7KeLn