@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 4 & 6 pm ET: Was #Mueller team obtaining @POTUS @realDonaldTrump transition e-mails legal and on the up and up, or wrong and off-base? Here’s fmr. #FBI Asst. Director Danny Coulson with me on that: https://t.co/Gvlr8miUyR @Foxnewspolitics

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 4 & 6 pm ET: Was #Mueller team obtaining @POTUS @realDonaldTrump transition e-mails legal and on the up and up, or wrong and off-base? Here’s fmr. #FBI Asst. Director Danny Coulson with me on that: https://t.co/Gvlr8miUyR @Foxnewspolitics