@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 4 & 6 pm ET: #JaredKushner speaks on @POTUS @realDonaldTrump: “It’s just sand through the hourglass. Before we know it will be over…we don’t pay a lot of attention to the stories…we are here to serve the country and just keep going.” @Foxnewspolitics.

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 4 & 6 pm ET: #JaredKushner speaks on @POTUS @realDonaldTrump: “It’s just sand through the hourglass. Before we know it will be over…we don’t pay a lot of attention to the stories…we are here to serve the country and just keep going.” @Foxnewspolitics.