@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 12 Noon ET: The #Hawaii missile warning mistake. How does it affect the tensions with #KimJongUn? A top former South Korean General says @POTUS @realDonaldTrump “has put the North Koreans at an imbalance.” @AmbJohnBolton on the #NorthKorea threat.

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 12 Noon ET: The #Hawaii missile warning mistake. How does it affect the tensions with #KimJongUn? A top former South Korean General says @POTUS @realDonaldTrump “has put the North Koreans at an imbalance.” @AmbJohnBolton on the #NorthKorea threat.