@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 12 Noon EDT: Critics say the firing of #AndrewMcCabe is akin to Pres. #RichardNixon’s firing of #Watergate Pros. Archibald Cox. For his unique perspective, here’s Nixon son-in-law @ChairmanEdCox @NewYorkGOP with me: https://t.co/Sl7I4wonT1 @Foxnewspolitics

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: I anchor @FoxNews at 12 Noon EDT: Critics say the firing of #AndrewMcCabe is akin to Pres. #RichardNixon’s firing of #Watergate Pros. Archibald Cox. For his unique perspective, here’s Nixon son-in-law @ChairmanEdCox @NewYorkGOP with me: https://t.co/Sl7I4wonT1 @Foxnewspolitics