@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: He called for #Iranprotests in my May @FoxNews interview. Prince #RezaPahlavi says like Nelson Mandela or the fall of the Berlin Wall, change will come to #Iran. “This type of regime simply cannot survive, it’s is just a matter of time.” Watch his plea to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump: https://t.co/eR8wnrAL69

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: He called for #Iranprotests in my May @FoxNews interview. Prince #RezaPahlavi says like Nelson Mandela or the fall of the Berlin Wall, change will come to #Iran.
“This type of regime simply cannot survive, it’s is just a matter of time.” Watch his plea to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump: https://t.co/eR8wnrAL69