@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: Good Morning! #Superbowl is in the books, back to politics! Should the Democratic #FISA memo be released? What will it say? Listen to the #FoxNewsRundown, my guest is @dbongino: https://t.co/DUVCXMGHOJ. I anchor @AmericaNewsroom with @SandraSmithFox, in for super @BillHemmer.

@FoxNews: RT @EricShawnTV: Good Morning! #Superbowl is in the books, back to politics! Should the Democratic #FISA memo be released? What will it say? Listen to the #FoxNewsRundown, my guest is @dbongino: https://t.co/DUVCXMGHOJ. I anchor @AmericaNewsroom with @SandraSmithFox, in for super @BillHemmer.