@FoxNews: RIGHT NOW: @POTUS and @FLOTUS arrive at NRG Stadium in Houston. https://t.co/pEGTGs6HP1 September 2, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: RIGHT NOW: @POTUS and @FLOTUS arrive at NRG Stadium in Houston. https://t.co/pEGTGs6HP1 RIGHT NOW: @POTUS and @FLOTUS arrive at NRG Stadium in Houston. http://pic.twitter.com/pEGTGs6HP1 — Fox News (@FoxNews) September 2, 2017 fox
@FoxNews: The teacher walkout in Arizona is being extended into Wednesday. #SpecialReport https://t.co/5vASwbcGuo 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@SHSanders45: “@espn should probably stick to sports and leave the rest of the news to other networks.” https://t.co/qnzXTFoc93 7 years ago
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@FoxNews: .@RepHensarling: “We are now averaging over 3% economic growth… The Tax Cut and Jobs Act is working.” https://t.co/RaLFurICKf 7 years ago
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