@FoxNews: .@POTUS: “We’re not going to release violent criminals into our country.” https://t.co/yq27nUsQr3 May 23, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@POTUS: “We’re not going to release violent criminals into our country.” https://t.co/yq27nUsQr3 .@POTUS: "We're not going to release violent criminals into our country." pic.twitter.com/yq27nUsQr3 — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 23, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@FLGovScott: “This state will never be the same, and my goal is to make sure that with this tragic event that we make sure we make the changes necessary to make sure this never happens in our state again.” https://t.co/z0KmAGocSz 7 years ago
@FoxNews: USS Fitzgerald officer pleads guilty in collision that killed 7 sailors https://t.co/l5kctXydjn 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@RepJoeKennedy: “This administration isn’t just targeting the laws that protect us. They’re targeting the very idea that we are all worthy of protection.” #DemocraticResponse https://t.co/TWn8bZmgFO 7 years ago
@FoxNews: DOG’S BEST FRIEND: Three-year-old Lazarus helps his elderly furry friend, 13-year-old Cleo, walk down the stairs safely. Lazarus is always one step ahead of Cleo to make sure she doesn’t trip on the stairs. Since the video was shared, Cleo has passed away following an illness. https://t.co/Xm70PvmDdw 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@LindseyGrahamSC on Diversity Visa Program: “It makes no sense to hand out visas and green cards this way. We want… https://t.co/ALHcnzC36G 7 years ago