@FoxNews: .@POTUS: “We won’t need an increase” in nuclear arsenal. https://t.co/MV2swTlLdf October 11, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@POTUS: “We won’t need an increase” in nuclear arsenal. https://t.co/MV2swTlLdf .@POTUS: "We won't need an increase" in nuclear arsenal. http://pic.twitter.com/MV2swTlLdf — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 11, 2017 fox
@FoxNews: .@SebGorka: “The people in Alabama understand [@MooreSenate] is the person who represents the agenda of what @POTUS… https://t.co/w5Fy6dH9HK 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@davidwebbshow: “@TheDemocrats are playing hardball because they’re driving to their base.” https://t.co/4FqODfZ93S 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@POTUS meets with emperor and prime minister of Japan on Asia trip. https://t.co/UVwDsWeqfo https://t.co/qqCJdUvwl6 7 years ago
@FoxNews: ‘Smoking gun’ email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups from settlement funds, GOP lawmaker says https://t.co/afKfi9Zd55 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Dakota Shrader, Santa Fe High School student: “I shouldn’t be going through this. It’s my school. This is my daily life. I shouldn’t have to feel like that.” https://t.co/kiDgZSp1MN https://t.co/acwYsesFrV 6 years ago