@FoxNews: Police body cameras: Money for nothing? https://t.co/Wp5RTuPXOG October 21, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Police body cameras: Money for nothing? https://t.co/Wp5RTuPXOG Police body cameras: Money for nothing?https://t.co/Wp5RTuPXOG — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 21, 2017 fox
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@FoxNews: Keith Ellison says his accuser fabricated domestic violence abuse story, can’t be sure others won’t ‘cook up’ allegations https://t.co/ECTXcNJ7C9 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@SarahPalinUSA: “I’m privileged to have come into my own, politically speaking, during the Reagan years…so I knew how to do things right.” https://t.co/qsJ0Zd820f 6 years ago
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@FoxNews: .@NHL warns Bruins’ Brad Marchand to stop licking opponents https://t.co/jrgwoeF2Lj https://t.co/DmgLuVlS8W 6 years ago