@FoxNews: OPINION: Trump and Mexico’s next president can build the wall — Together https://t.co/IlABBRlJQf July 9, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: OPINION: Trump and Mexico’s next president can build the wall — Together https://t.co/IlABBRlJQf OPINION: Trump and Mexico’s next president can build the wall — Together https://t.co/IlABBRlJQf — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 9, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: “The Deputy Attorney General made clear today that, at least on this digital piece, they found the Russian interference, but they did not find any American was willingly cooperating with the Russians” — Catherine Herridge report on new Mueller indictments https://t.co/eWYp0PPsDD https://t.co/9NjAqp6MQR 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@kimguilfoyle: “[Mark #Zuckerberg] actually performed very well.” #TheFive https://t.co/DXdlIdZjba 6 years ago
@FoxNews: ‘It’s Sad’: Rep. @TGowdySC Hits Comey for ‘Politicizing the FBI’ With Release of New Book https://t.co/Tiz4GFE000 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@TomFitton: “@TheJusticeDept is stuck because if they go after Comey they have to go after Hillary. Comey and Hillary are in the same legal boat.” https://t.co/t8nraJ0NVq 6 years ago
@FoxNews: NEWS ALERT: New Mexico compound suspects arrested again after FBI files new charges. https://t.co/CTiNBPRKSO https://t.co/qG2QEpE1bf 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Earlier, @VP Mike Pence commemorated #ArmedForcesDay on Twitter. https://t.co/jOaz4Ur2Ep https://t.co/vUcWQiWkkJ 6 years ago