@FoxNews: Omarosa’s Trump tape story unravels. (via @brookefoxnews) https://t.co/SWUJf025hf August 14, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Omarosa’s Trump tape story unravels. (via @brookefoxnews) https://t.co/SWUJf025hf Omarosa's Trump tape story unravels. (via @brookefoxnews) https://t.co/SWUJf025hf — Fox News (@FoxNews) August 14, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@wjmcgurn on Brett Kavanaugh: “He is a serious Constitutionalist who wants the respect of the kind of people that make up the federal society.” https://t.co/a1aYXO2XDb https://t.co/wNOehdLrA1 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@TulsiGabbard: “We should end our alliance with Saudi Arabia.” https://t.co/cN543lUTCC 6 years ago
@FoxNews: BREAKING NEWS: Steve Bannon apologized for unflattering comments attributed to him in the recently released Trump White House tell-all “Fire and Fury,” saying he “regrets” his delayed response and that he continues to support the president. https://t.co/MIZB006BJa https://t.co/azslBYWdM5 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@SenSchumer: “Our Republican friends blame us for this process, they’re always finding a straw man, but nothing could be further from the truth.” https://t.co/7aA5RNJuH7 https://t.co/3MnNJoyvik 6 years ago
@FoxNews: David Buckel, prominent gay rights lawyer, burns himself to death in New York to protest global warming https://t.co/0nHr7xxauy 6 years ago