@FoxNews: .@michellemalkin on @POTUS’ use of Twitter: “The fact that @POTUS can say so much in 140 or 280 characters, & sum up what all of the moral cripples in the news media can’t…I think it’s a very, very powerful and potent tool. And he’s used it to great effect.” https://t.co/u9QnQ6D4Ci

@FoxNews: .@michellemalkin on @POTUS’ use of Twitter: “The fact that @POTUS can say so much in 140 or 280 characters, & sum up what all of the moral cripples in the news media can’t…I think it’s a very, very powerful and potent tool. And he’s used it to great effect.” https://t.co/u9QnQ6D4Ci