@FoxNews: Man arrested after gunning down Arizona fire captain, police say https://t.co/4l9bl74FmE February 5, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Man arrested after gunning down Arizona fire captain, police say https://t.co/4l9bl74FmE Man arrested after gunning down Arizona fire captain, police say https://t.co/4l9bl74FmE — Fox News (@FoxNews) February 5, 2018 fox
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@FoxNews: Whole Foods employees are ‘crying’ over stressful new workplace rules, report says https://t.co/vk3G3qs7vo 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: Leon Panetta on GOP’s FBI #memo: I think that the #Nunes charges against FISA, particularly without looking at the entire application, without talking to the judges who actually make these decisions, I think that’s irresponsible. 6 years ago
@FoxNews: #Trump to order mental health aid to prevent suicide among military veterans (via @FoxBusiness) https://t.co/or7CHTjXfy 6 years ago