@FoxNews: ‘Lost’ asteroid the size of the Statue of Liberty to buzz by Earth Tuesday https://t.co/dlN2T1pnKD May 14, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: ‘Lost’ asteroid the size of the Statue of Liberty to buzz by Earth Tuesday https://t.co/dlN2T1pnKD 'Lost' asteroid the size of the Statue of Liberty to buzz by Earth Tuesday https://t.co/dlN2T1pnKD — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 14, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: JUST IN: Woman and child die after falling out of New York City hotel https://t.co/Vh8V5eJzWO 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Gas explosions in Massachusetts left one person dead and injured at least 25 others; @BryanLlenas reports. https://t.co/pGznEYpsNx https://t.co/pL4cfprNhr 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@RepDeSantis on @FLGovScott’s school safety bill: “The laws that were on the books were sufficient to prevent [the Parkland shooting] had government done its job.” @IngrahamAngle https://t.co/LqQxSFSFx8 https://t.co/KfdvrDF1ix 7 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxBusiness: Secretary of Defense James Mattis on space: “It is becoming a contested war-fighting domain and we have got to adapt to that reality.” https://t.co/LjNLPD7LW8 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz: “We need significant, transformative tax reform.” https://t.co/B9uE9NXINr 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@jasoninthehouse: “I find it curious that the @FBI is saying ‘Please, don’t release the names…’ We don’t want to disparage all of the FBI. We want to highlight the people that are doing the wrong, & you call them out by name. That’s how you get rid of those people.” https://t.co/r26Ej4FqR8 7 years ago