@FoxNews: Let it Gogh: ‘Starry Night’ home fight leads to apology from Florida mayor https://t.co/qmsTkt96Bq July 18, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Let it Gogh: ‘Starry Night’ home fight leads to apology from Florida mayor https://t.co/qmsTkt96Bq Let it Gogh: 'Starry Night' home fight leads to apology from Florida mayor https://t.co/qmsTkt96Bq — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 19, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: This morning on “Fox & Friends,” hosts @PeteHegseth, @LisaMarieBoothe, and @GriffJenkins pointed out the big changes in many Democrats’ stance on illegal immigration from recent history to today. https://t.co/FeRqxsP6bx https://t.co/t0ISSS8qpK 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@benshapiro: “So far, we have heard from Democrats, since 2016, that we should change the constituency of the Senate, abolish the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College and abolish ICE. So I get the feeling that acceptable isn’t in the cards anytime soon here.” #TheStory https://t.co/W1bMyutTX2 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@WilliamJBennett on IG report: “It’s a huge political and cultural win for Donald #Trump, who’s been saying he’s been villified, it’s been unfair.” #TheStory https://t.co/nlQYbKzvk2 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@RepLukeMesser: “We eliminated the loophole that allowed child tax credits for illegal immigrants.” https://t.co/fj1bt2OCrj 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@Nigel_Farage: “It’s very worrying for free speech.” @FoxFriendsFirst https://t.co/1Kxjb6kP6b https://t.co/NnGbadJG3q 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Clinton aide won’t rule out ‘Hillary 2020,’ sparking glee from White House https://t.co/tgXcOvQweC 6 years ago