@FoxNews: JUST IN: 4 dead, dozens feared buried after quake hits northern Japan https://t.co/4CveFhy0qX September 6, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: JUST IN: 4 dead, dozens feared buried after quake hits northern Japan https://t.co/4CveFhy0qX JUST IN: 4 dead, dozens feared buried after quake hits northern Japan https://t.co/4CveFhy0qX — Fox News (@FoxNews) September 6, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@TheJuanWilliams: “I do think that we are out of control in terms of the mockery, the bullying, the kind of attitude that says ‘you know what you’re not worthy, you’re not an American, if you’re not playing with my team.'” #TheFive https://t.co/fb6PmX5ZIr 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Pastor: “We’re resilient, we’re strong and we’re going to continue to worship God, no matter what happens, no matte… https://t.co/QGkY1xezQL 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@LindseyGrahamSC says McCain’s anger at Kavanaugh hearing ‘would have made me look like a choir boy’ https://t.co/YYpdwDtHuH 6 years ago
@FoxNews: On “Justice with @JudgeJeanine,” @TomiLahren sounded off on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading a federal investigation into whether the #Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 elections. https://t.co/dJQUtUNBZp https://t.co/tJ0WTtXI2c 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@jessebwatters: “The assumption when the president does anything is he’s either evil, dumb or he’s lying.”… https://t.co/f6YqsvE4ZY 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Kevin Jackson on anthem protesters: “The NFL is in triage and I don’t know why they’re on this self-defeating path but they like being on it, and it reminds me of what the Democrats are doing in going against @realDonaldTrump in many ways.” @IngrahamAngle https://t.co/3rSx4zNEwC 6 years ago