@FoxNews: .@jessebwatters: “I can’t name one good thing that came from [@Kaepernick7] kneeling. He divided the country…He offended the military. He offended law enforcement. He offended a lot of patriotic Americans.” #TheFive https://t.co/KjQ0Aj0Wk8 https://t.co/bFcH7ANA5J

@FoxNews: .@jessebwatters: “I can’t name one good thing that came from [@Kaepernick7] kneeling. He divided the country…He offended the military. He offended law enforcement. He offended a lot of patriotic Americans.” #TheFive https://t.co/KjQ0Aj0Wk8 https://t.co/bFcH7ANA5J