@FoxNews: .@hogangidley45 on @dennisrodman supporting @POTUS: “[Dennis Rodman] knows what’s best, I’ll give him that, because he was the best rebounder in the history of basketball. He knows now the best negotiator on the planet, and that’s @realDonaldTrump.” @JudgeJeanine https://t.co/qvAGgD5OS4

@FoxNews: .@hogangidley45 on @dennisrodman supporting @POTUS: “[Dennis Rodman] knows what’s best, I’ll give him that, because he was the best rebounder in the history of basketball. He knows now the best negotiator on the planet, and that’s @realDonaldTrump.” @JudgeJeanine https://t.co/qvAGgD5OS4