@FoxNews: GOP Senators to Watch on Tax Bill https://t.co/iQwwL59OOG November 27, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: GOP Senators to Watch on Tax Bill https://t.co/iQwwL59OOG GOP Senators to Watch on Tax Bill http://pic.twitter.com/iQwwL59OOG — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 27, 2017 fox
@FoxNews: .@GregGutfeld on starting a new peace movement. #TheFive https://t.co/Z7E4rUTiVa 6 years ago
@FoxNews: On Twitter, former deputy assistant to @POTUS @SebGorka gave his two cents on the Harvey Weinstein scandal. https://t.co/AqVZ5SYE5N 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Josh Holt’s mother on release of her son: “It was a horrifying, horrifying week and [@MiaBLove] got me through it.” https://t.co/VyeYOcS1QZ https://t.co/2er4qf7jxf 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@ShuttleCDRKelly: If the issue was more firearms in more places, which is what @OliverLNorth and the @NRA advocates for, we would live in the safest country on the planet.” https://t.co/6eyTSxAyeE 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@mikeroweworks: “The unintended consequence of telling you that nothing is more important than your safety, is the very dynamic that leads people to walk across Fifth Avenue when the little man says walk, instead of looking both ways.” #Tucker https://t.co/ynkmCoVpKQ 6 years ago
@FoxNews: On this day in 2011: A crowd cheers outside the White House upon hearing the news that terrorist leader Osama bin Laden was killed. https://t.co/rpgXJMX9Iq 6 years ago