@FoxNews: Flying for Thanksgiving? Here’s 11 things not to do on the plane https://t.co/tHhUJGvEAq November 15, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Flying for Thanksgiving? Here’s 11 things not to do on the plane https://t.co/tHhUJGvEAq Flying for Thanksgiving? Here's 11 things not to do on the plane https://t.co/tHhUJGvEAq — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 15, 2017 fox
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@FoxNews: At his rally Friday night in Florida, @POTUS reiterated his hard-line stance on immigration. https://t.co/23mOEFXJ7a https://t.co/shcr676Ovl 7 years ago