@FoxNews: .@FLOTUS visiting hospital in Ghana today @foxandfriends https://t.co/aygJcx2w58 October 2, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@FLOTUS visiting hospital in Ghana today @foxandfriends https://t.co/aygJcx2w58 .@FLOTUS visiting hospital in Ghana today @foxandfriends pic.twitter.com/aygJcx2w58 — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 2, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: ICYMI: Yesterday, people held signs near the National Guard Armory in Lake Charles, La., where @POTUS & @FLOTUS met… https://t.co/1LAxxLczpH 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@KatiePavlich: “[@CBP agents] feel like they’re not capable of doing the job that they were sent there to do, which is to secure the border and keep bad actors from coming into the country.” #SpecialReport https://t.co/i0SqdStHm2 https://t.co/66xU1YryF8 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Matthew Swift on impact of celebrities on elections: “Even going back to 2008, you saw @Oprah have what could have been a pretty substantial impact on the rise of @BarackObama.” @FoxFriendsFirst https://t.co/oSLSn5m2L0 https://t.co/zzMvyjeo1d 6 years ago
@FoxNews: GOP Rep. Blasts Sarah Sanders, Calls for Hearings on Stormy Daniels Payment https://t.co/BeOQr4t8SJ 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Congressional Black Caucus not seeking Conyers’ resignation, despite pressure from other Dems https://t.co/XvLR0rBjFy 7 years ago