@FoxNews: .@FLOTUS Melania Trump: Talk about my actions, not my fashion. https://t.co/n1M245jO7g October 7, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@FLOTUS Melania Trump: Talk about my actions, not my fashion. https://t.co/n1M245jO7g .@FLOTUS Melania Trump: Talk about my actions, not my fashion. https://t.co/n1M245jO7g — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 8, 2018 fox
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@FoxNews: .@SecPompeo fights back after GOP Sen. @BobCorker hits @POTUS for ‘purposeful’ sowing of ‘doubt and distrust’ https://t.co/4nUp5BbEs7 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxBusiness: Memory chip maker Micron announces $3B expansion in Virginia https://t.co/aALGLx6LSQ https://t.co/40OomtXjhx 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@kimguilfoyle on Russia investigation: “If I were James @Comey, I would be zipping it, because by the time the IG report comes out, he won’t be able to give his book away.” #TheFive https://t.co/GKVfvU88Rm https://t.co/DqKTxkrP5I 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@POTUS on #ParklandSchoolShooting: “We will act. We will do something. We will act.” #CPAC2018 https://t.co/er7RsZRqCR https://t.co/30JLfzg3vH 6 years ago