@FoxNews: .@FLOTUS: “I think mothers should be celebrated each and every day.” https://t.co/EPeCG5vLp5 May 9, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@FLOTUS: “I think mothers should be celebrated each and every day.” https://t.co/EPeCG5vLp5 .@FLOTUS: "I think mothers should be celebrated each and every day." pic.twitter.com/EPeCG5vLp5 — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 9, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@GregAbbott_TX on Hurricane Harvey: “What we do know, in fact, is that so many were able to evacuate.” #Hannity https://t.co/wDGCnkJGe4 7 years ago / 0
@FoxNews: “This is one of the most spectacular ball drops that I’ve ever seen from any intelligence agency.” — @piersmorgan on @FBI handling of tips on FL school shooting suspect #Tucker https://t.co/43Dq1YCnUE https://t.co/rIDomu5MTa 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@hogangidley45: “I’ve talked to some folks who served and their surviving loved ones and they told me this gives them a sense of pride, a sense of peace and closure that they never would’ve had but for this @POTUS; tough negotiations getting those remains back in this country.” https://t.co/gYo64e1fZJ 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@seanhannity: “For the last 22 days we Americans, we have witnessed what is an unrivaled insanity, a madness that has taken over, and it is now shaking the very core principles that every one of us…should be holding near and dear to our hearts.” #Hannity https://t.co/z3IpVPSlU1 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Chris Wallace: @GameOfThrones Has Nothing on the @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse https://t.co/1KqA0fQ9M6 7 years ago
@FoxNews: JUST IN: ’60 Minutes’ honcho Jeff Fager out at CBS, network claims exit ‘not directly related’ to sex misconduct allegations https://t.co/oWJ4C6LWhw 6 years ago