@FoxNews: Final Tax Bill Revealed https://t.co/wX18CJHUiU December 16, 2017 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Final Tax Bill Revealed https://t.co/wX18CJHUiU Final Tax Bill Revealed http://pic.twitter.com/wX18CJHUiU — Fox News (@FoxNews) December 16, 2017 fox
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@FoxNews: .@repcleaver on Syria: “We’ve got to be very strategic and I think @POTUS has got to rely heavily on the military and on the civilian leadership…We need to respond.” @TeamCavuto https://t.co/jjVsbE6dks 6 years ago
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@FoxNews: On #TheCostofFreedom, @emilyjashinsky talked about the US response to overseas disasters like the recent devastatio… https://t.co/FY1xB9ujP3 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@JesseBWatters: “You’ve had so many specific ideas come out from @POTUS’ mouth about solving this issue…I’m not hearing the same sort of ideas coming from the Democratic side of the aisle.” #TheFive https://t.co/aEStw6LGdw 7 years ago