@FoxNews: Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he’s suing Comey and Obama https://t.co/RDyNthrR3H June 5, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he’s suing Comey and Obama https://t.co/RDyNthrR3H Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama https://t.co/RDyNthrR3H — Fox News (@FoxNews) June 5, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: .@VP Mike Pence said in a statement Saturday that Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court marks another success under the Trump administration. https://t.co/gZGwYcjylP https://t.co/6KWlpnRoaz 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@BenShapiro on @UCBerkeley: “The idea that if police hadn’t been there, there would have been violence, I think th… https://t.co/TK6xIvRs7u 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@ShepNewsTeam reports @browardsheriff says Parkland, FL school shooter is still at large. https://t.co/566dpg1YDk https://t.co/xMFuWx5fNQ 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@KarlRove: “[@POTUS] should downplay politics. He’s not very popular and the way to become more popular is to become less political and more involved in his agenda.” #TheStory https://t.co/FJWxwDjxBO https://t.co/f3dOAe2IQJ 7 years ago
@FoxNews: At the Values Voter Summit yesterday, Steve Bannon had a very optimistic prediction for @POTUS’s reelection. https://t.co/QM9OhkmTJ8 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Christine Ford testifies Kavanaugh ‘sexually assaulted me,’ rejects mistaken identity theory https://t.co/yylwVIUd6E https://t.co/ixvjyrYqW7 6 years ago