@FoxNews: Democratic lawmakers hold a news conference to discuss immigration. https://t.co/wp6VqnIiGI June 20, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Democratic lawmakers hold a news conference to discuss immigration. https://t.co/wp6VqnIiGI Democratic lawmakers hold a news conference to discuss immigration. https://t.co/wp6VqnIiGI — Fox News (@FoxNews) June 20, 2018 fox
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@FoxNews: .@RealCandaceO on the current state of the Democratic Party: “It’s completely splintered.” @NextRevFNC https://t.co/xUcB1qHSNs 6 years ago
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@FoxNews: Poll: 51% say @NRA policies are bad for the U.S. https://t.co/RFP6ODUDFH https://t.co/Uc3cRUCJQN 7 years ago