@FoxNews: Democratic lawmaker asked to resign over reports of harassment ‘coverup’ https://t.co/uBkCKNKtPY March 31, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: Democratic lawmaker asked to resign over reports of harassment ‘coverup’ https://t.co/uBkCKNKtPY Democratic lawmaker asked to resign over reports of harassment 'coverup' https://t.co/uBkCKNKtPY — Fox News (@FoxNews) March 31, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@JohnKasich on tax reform: Our corporate taxes are too high…Entitlements need to be reviewed…Debt will swallow us up if we’re not careful. 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@benshapiro on midterms: “The map looks to me as though the red areas are getting redder & the blue areas are getting bluer & the purple areas are getting more purple, so what that suggests is that this is not going to be a walk in the park for Democrats the way [they] thought” https://t.co/0YAIUNnguD 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@therealroseanne defends #Trump, says sitcom will tackle politics https://t.co/Zff2bXo9Ey 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@RandPaul: “I would offer them the allure of trade with Japan and South Korea and us and expanded trade with China and the allure of what trade and commerce brings basically to a country.” #Cavuto https://t.co/knwJAFGFGa 6 years ago
@FoxNews: “Life throws a lot of things at you and this experience really taught me that.” On #OutnumberedOT, Christina Anderson, the fiancée of a U.S. Marine, shared her story with @HARRISFAULKNER. #ProudAmerican https://t.co/cOHJvEFlqa 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Trump unravels more of Obama’s legacy, with proposed freeze on mileage rules (via @brookefoxnews) https://t.co/UP8m4UZ01b 6 years ago