@FoxNews: .@Comey’s friend worked at @FBI 19 months. https://t.co/fYBUREsO00 https://t.co/OeHJdbUZiW May 4, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: .@Comey’s friend worked at @FBI 19 months. https://t.co/fYBUREsO00 https://t.co/OeHJdbUZiW .@Comey's friend worked at @FBI 19 months. https://t.co/fYBUREsO00 pic.twitter.com/OeHJdbUZiW — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 4, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: Democratic senators are calling for @POTUS’ interpreter in his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to testify before Congress; @pdoocy reports. #DailyBriefing https://t.co/7q6KVph81a https://t.co/8V35YviLMd 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@AlanDersh: Why Trump is right in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (via @FoxNewsOpinion) https://t.co/vXhj3dGrwh 7 years ago
@FoxNews: .@WhiteHouse says it knows locations of all migrant children in custody https://t.co/9puDJYb28l https://t.co/dIaSr2JeIA 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Chris Wallace: “What could be more threatening to the American democracy than the idea [that] a foreign country is trying to [set Americans against Americans]?” @ShepNewsTeam https://t.co/mhqCQhu263 https://t.co/gWWSXuBp0d 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@DiamondandSilk: “I can remember back in the day when we had prayer in the schools. We didn’t see all of this.” https://t.co/VroInUsHZ2 7 years ago
@FoxNews: An eared seal cools off with an ice cube containing frozen fish at the Zoo of Vincennes in Paris, France. https://t.co/ZkYNO8LIKD 6 years ago