@FoxNews: 20-foot great white ‘Deep Blue’ caught on camera https://t.co/0Ndwlcu5vM July 24, 2018 / The Arbiter / FOX @FoxNews: 20-foot great white ‘Deep Blue’ caught on camera https://t.co/0Ndwlcu5vM 20-foot great white 'Deep Blue' caught on camera https://t.co/0Ndwlcu5vM — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 24, 2018 fox
@FoxNews: Democratic senators accuse @POTUS of possible leak, call for investigation into jobs report tweet. https://t.co/4ugTykbylS 6 years ago
@FoxNews: President @realDonaldTrump to attend Alabama rally tonight for @lutherstrange ahead of GOP runoff. https://t.co/me2rRGwLrj 7 years ago
@FoxNews: MOMENTS AGO: @POTUS, @FLOTUS take part in phone call as NORAD tracks #Santa’s movements. #Christmas https://t.co/Xuvivo84LL 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Dr. Jeanne Zaino: “Let’s not forget the same day this was released it was also unearthed that…[@GOPLeader]’s family claiming Native American heritage had benefitted to the tune of $7M.” @foxfriendsfirst https://t.co/jijYn3JCVk 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@POTUS administration ends DACA, with 6-month delay https://t.co/ddxE1nQtUg @FoxFriendsFirst https://t.co/gGoq7UYdt4 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Ed Rollins: “Democrats are struggling to find a message.” #SundayFutures https://t.co/KO1NvqiVNl 6 years ago