@CNN: A Virginia EMT who made racist remarks on a white supremacist podcast has lost his job https://t.co/TcuY1OW3CV 6 years ago
@FoxNews: RT @FoxNewsSunday: Steve Wynn says he expanded security at #LasVegas to cover every entrance & retrained entire workforce to routinely do room inspections. 7 years ago
@CNN: Three options that could await House Democrats after the midterms https://t.co/QPc0pfOhDv https://t.co/Vydv9yUFfc 6 years ago
@FoxNews: Senate has enough votes to confirm Gina Haspel for CIA director. @ShepNewsTeam https://t.co/nAaMiJlT54 https://t.co/8I1CE2vBYJ 6 years ago
@FoxNews: .@marcorubio: “@realDonaldTrump was elected because of his willingness to do things that other politicians and presidents haven’t done, and this is right along the lines of that.” https://t.co/YM9JIrJDhF 7 years ago
@FoxNews: Sen. @JohnCornyn: The first step people need to take in order to get help through @fema is to call 1-800-621-FEMA. https://t.co/OyfVYDf9eP 7 years ago / 0