@CNN: Your boss wants you to take a vacation | via @CNNopinion https://t.co/6EQrVIx7hF https://t.co/V1YjxytdpO May 9, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Your boss wants you to take a vacation | via @CNNopinion https://t.co/6EQrVIx7hF https://t.co/V1YjxytdpO Your boss wants you to take a vacation | via @CNNopinion https://t.co/6EQrVIx7hF pic.twitter.com/V1YjxytdpO — CNN (@CNN) May 9, 2018 cnn
@CNN: “How many stories of sexual violence do you need to hear in order to believe women?” Activists confronted 3 GOP senators, including Mitch McConnell, at the airport, asking them about the allegations of sexual assault against SCOTUSt nominee Brett Kavanaugh https://t.co/3juwEiLjdK https://t.co/yUIRX7KgYs 6 years ago
@CNN: The generational flaw in Trump’s anti-socialism campaign | Analysis by CNN’s @zbyronwolf https://t.co/YlFupCujLj https://t.co/1zG5CEG2C1 5 years ago
@CNN: RT @TheLeadCNN: .@jaketapper: “Do you think he [Beto O’Rourke] can run for president if he doesn’t win the Senate race?” @PrestonCNN: “Absolutely. Look, Donald Trump is President of the United States.” https://t.co/ymfoqKdYP4 https://t.co/f9afKvQn16 6 years ago
@CNN: Snapchat as you know it may soon disappear, with a major redesign planned amid stalling user growth… https://t.co/2spTvjxh4y 7 years ago
@CNN: Sen. Cory Booker urges Iowa Democrats discouraged by Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court to “stay faithful” in defeat and rally to action in the upcoming midterm elections https://t.co/Evqs6y8CaS https://t.co/xR0nDubMJS 6 years ago
@CNN: Abandoned frescoes hint at the past lives of Europe’s elite https://t.co/PlWy1aQXlE via @CNNStyle https://t.co/9kYp8ZXMBK 5 years ago