@CNN: Will US shale ruin the oil party (again)? https://t.co/esUhD9Dzqj https://t.co/vrFekKItNn January 15, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Will US shale ruin the oil party (again)? https://t.co/esUhD9Dzqj https://t.co/vrFekKItNn Will US shale ruin the oil party (again)? https://t.co/esUhD9Dzqj http://pic.twitter.com/vrFekKItNn — CNN (@CNN) January 15, 2018 cnn
@CNN: The father of Otto Warmbier, an American student who was jailed in North Korea and died upon his return to the US, will attend the Olympic opening ceremony in Pyeongchang https://t.co/AEv3YKCrjV 7 years ago
@CNN: Disney World and Universal Studios both plan to reopen today after Hurricane Irma https://t.co/mcY8yHcWaH https://t.co/ViO3n5IGhz 7 years ago
@CNN: President Donald Trump’s announcement that the US will stop military exercises with South Korea startled Tokyo and Seoul, unsettled US lawmakers, and took at least some parts of the Pentagon by surprise https://t.co/2MOFN0QH4d https://t.co/363aFZgGlw 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNTonight: “History seems to be repeating itself.” – CNN’s @DonLemon says Vice President Mike Pence’s call for Mueller to “wrap it up,” referring to the special counsel’s probe, is reminiscent of Nixon’s words during Watergate https://t.co/ABN47SmgZd https://t.co/86Riaqn8Fp 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@VanJones68: Trump’s warning of possible future violence sounds like “panic on the part of the President trying to stir up his own base with baseless fears” https://t.co/o8VlqhFN04 https://t.co/6cYlPja20f 6 years ago
@CNN: Rudy Giuliani, America’s mayor, has jumped the shark | via @CNNopinion https://t.co/2jgG1i2muk https://t.co/mSCPDzfPtu 6 years ago