@CNN: Why President Trump’s vacancies are here to stay https://t.co/3F9AjUN8tF https://t.co/dxbCTN9aJj October 11, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Why President Trump’s vacancies are here to stay https://t.co/3F9AjUN8tF https://t.co/dxbCTN9aJj Why President Trump's vacancies are here to stay https://t.co/3F9AjUN8tF http://pic.twitter.com/dxbCTN9aJj — CNN (@CNN) October 11, 2017 cnn
@CNN: Former FBI Director James Comey’s book is already a best seller, with President Trump’s help https://t.co/FT3KulWgrQ https://t.co/FVrKQRBr12 6 years ago
@CNN: One Republican senator who went up to say something to Christine Blasey Ford as a break began was Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse. “Thank you for being here,” he said to her, shaking her hand | via CNN’s @mj_lee https://t.co/q1KzjHOrv9 6 years ago
@CNN: A symbol of solidarity and strength is making its way around the internet after the deadly attack at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The image is a revamped Pittsburgh Steelers logo, with the Star of David substituting for the team’s yellow star-like design. https://t.co/qBaozvtaWx https://t.co/58K9Lcbt0F 6 years ago
@CNN: A woman says a supermarket called police on her while she was helping a homeless man https://t.co/ycKBFCSnZK https://t.co/fZOEvEPwJ3 6 years ago
@CNN: One more day, one more investigation into President Trump’s business dealings. @andersoncooper is #KeepingThemHonest https://t.co/fwoTrcH7Wy https://t.co/v9vFugoztD 5 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNnewsroom: .@RepHaleyStevens says healthcare is a priority issue for Congress: “People are sick of the repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act” https://t.co/8HwOfUigO7 https://t.co/iACa7hLCPO 6 years ago