@CNN: Why exercise won’t make you lose weight https://t.co/nDoFnUUsQO https://t.co/gzLbA3Quhs January 4, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Why exercise won’t make you lose weight https://t.co/nDoFnUUsQO https://t.co/gzLbA3Quhs Why exercise won't make you lose weight https://t.co/nDoFnUUsQO pic.twitter.com/gzLbA3Quhs — CNN (@CNN) January 4, 2019 cnn
@CNN: Sen. Elizabeth Warren is laying down a new rule for her presidential campaign: No fundraisers, dinners, receptions or phone calls with wealthy donors https://t.co/gPCGXLbGS4 https://t.co/dMQs2WuohF 5 years ago
@CNN: Frida Escobedo’s 2018 Serpentine Pavilion blurs British and Mexican influences https://t.co/EGnuN1RZuV via @CNNStyle https://t.co/bM9VvLKmT1 6 years ago
@CNN: Construction has begun on a $2.3 billion project to extend the natural contour of Monaco’s coastline a further 15 acres into the Mediterranean https://t.co/lYVprjfLN4 https://t.co/6G5056zdFS 7 years ago
@CNN: The Romans believed that diamonds were splinters of falling stars. Here’s why humans value gemstones (Via @CNNStyle… https://t.co/JEM3Blxvcy 7 years ago
@CNN: Former Vice President Joe Biden slams President Trump’s global leadership in a New York Times op-ed… https://t.co/fu5RbH0JBm 7 years ago
@CNN: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Orlando has an array of rides and shops to attract visitors, and they’re adding a new ride in 2019 https://t.co/ERMfhijc7x https://t.co/2hzTMxydP2 6 years ago