@CNN: Where Trump supporters split with Trump https://t.co/vOlgSlSTl4 https://t.co/E80wWYHtQP December 17, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Where Trump supporters split with Trump https://t.co/vOlgSlSTl4 https://t.co/E80wWYHtQP Where Trump supporters split with Trump https://t.co/vOlgSlSTl4 pic.twitter.com/E80wWYHtQP — CNN (@CNN) December 17, 2018 cnn
@CNN: A CNN special report: “The Mystery of Michael Flynn” starts now. Watch on CNN or https://t.co/UYpqI3w42L https://t.co/7z1sxduj7K 7 years ago
@CNN: Two Republican congressmen met with a well-known conservative troll with history of denying the Holocaust https://t.co/ym8CILXkqo https://t.co/0WLZlL7o9u 6 years ago
@CNN: 11 law enforcement officers across the United States have been shot and killed in the line of duty so far in 2018, more than double the deaths during the same period in 2017 https://t.co/jX9eLva7bB https://t.co/uU7Ww8lzTo 6 years ago
@CNN: In a stunning move, first lady Melania Trump is calling for the firing of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel https://t.co/3uNgSakly5 https://t.co/a57EqeLqrv 6 years ago
@CNN: There’s no way to stop lava. People have tried. https://t.co/vVpRqlRIzD https://t.co/vaROI7yqEV 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNSitRoom: “My Republican friends are looking at any opportunity they can find to try to distract all of us from the underlying Mueller investigation about Russian interference and the involvement of the Trump campaign.” – Rep. Connolly on lawmaker suggesting misconduct by ex-FBI officials https://t.co/sBFfMzkitO 6 years ago