@CNN: What motivates terrorists | By Peter Bergen, a CNN national security analyst https://t.co/KbIBzTI7mN October 30, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: What motivates terrorists | By Peter Bergen, a CNN national security analyst https://t.co/KbIBzTI7mN What motivates terrorists | By Peter Bergen, a CNN national security analyst https://t.co/KbIBzTI7mN — CNN (@CNN) October 30, 2018 cnn
@CNN: 5 things for Wednesday: – Austin bomber – Trump and Putin – Facebook and Cambridge Analytica – School shootings – Male birth control https://t.co/ybv6cxximP https://t.co/uVpLQqKUpR 6 years ago
@CNN: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell contrasted foreign policies espoused by President Trump with those of late former President George H.W. Bush, saying current withdrawals from international treaties are “terrible mistakes, which we will regret” https://t.co/0UJvM7VEu0 https://t.co/VlQjjAjbS9 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @AC360: Rep. Chris Stewart says the DOJ investigating the President’s claims that the FBI spied on his campaign “is a step forward.” “We care not at all about who that individual is. … We want the underlying information. That’s the thing that’s important to us.” – Rep. Stewart https://t.co/JVr3v6cBzV 6 years ago
@CNN: Officer used Taser on man’s genitals, says lawsuit accusing Arizona police of torture https://t.co/mu6uLH6eJD https://t.co/JRPT9wtkyP 5 years ago
@CNN: RT @AC360: Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin speaks about the House committee vote to send Democrats’ memo to Trump’s desk: “I want the American public to have as much information as possible and that includes getting the Schiff memo as well” https://t.co/Wl9wHUm5kI 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNPolitics: Cameron Kasky, who survived the school shooting: “Sen. Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?” Rubio: “People buy into my agenda, and I do support the Second Amendment” #StudentsStandUp https://t.co/ucmVB74g1C 6 years ago