@CNN: What it’s like on the ground in Puerto Rico https://t.co/1Z28vqPeVR https://t.co/DVx6zYbhyg June 2, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: What it’s like on the ground in Puerto Rico https://t.co/1Z28vqPeVR https://t.co/DVx6zYbhyg What it's like on the ground in Puerto Rico https://t.co/1Z28vqPeVR pic.twitter.com/DVx6zYbhyg — CNN (@CNN) June 2, 2018 cnn
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “If a tree disappears from the White House lawn and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Where in the world is the French oak planted by Presidents Trump and Macron? https://t.co/TeVXyYBHfC https://t.co/53D5riE2kO 6 years ago
@CNN: Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former New York City mayor and potential 2020 presidential candidate, announced Wednesday that he re-registered as a Democrat, saying the party must “provide the checks and balances our nation needs so badly.” https://t.co/Xe8wQgSj2H https://t.co/j3NoD0cD2K 6 years ago
@CNN: With Doug Jones’ upset victory in last week’s Alabama US Senate race, Democrats are solidifying a new model for rebuilding their tattered competitiveness in the South https://t.co/AoNfaY37rn https://t.co/X0uEg1LkcG 7 years ago
@CNN: Democrats slam White House immigration proposal https://t.co/uEyKunikvW https://t.co/UGxwDsbqef 7 years ago
@CNN: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s calendar omissions date to his very first day in office https://t.co/PGM7EXBTeD https://t.co/8UrclXU0Oo 6 years ago
@CNN: There’s no way to stop lava. People have tried. https://t.co/ZFMsXaa5Lw https://t.co/XsNj14zYjk 6 years ago