@CNN: What early voting numbers do (and don’t) tell us https://t.co/W2rKq6nk9W https://t.co/P81CeHRv8l October 28, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: What early voting numbers do (and don’t) tell us https://t.co/W2rKq6nk9W https://t.co/P81CeHRv8l What early voting numbers do (and don't) tell us https://t.co/W2rKq6nk9W pic.twitter.com/P81CeHRv8l — CNN (@CNN) October 29, 2018 cnn
@CNN: The Trump administration is considering a plan to limit most, if not all, members of the group of migrants in Mexico heading toward the United States from crossing the border https://t.co/A3uI2i6Qw6 https://t.co/F6oCZbLB9t 6 years ago
@CNN: After President Trump signed legislation that will open 1.5 million acres of land in Alaska to oil drilling, @BillWeirCNN talks to Alaskans about the plan https://t.co/a0hpFDoSL8 https://t.co/w3NuhgNBDx 6 years ago
@CNN: The first images of the Kuiper Belt object Ultima Thule, taken by the New Horizons spacecraft, reveal it resembles a red snowman https://t.co/PkbcFmaQWA 6 years ago
@CNN: Chained to their beds for weeks at a time. Showered only once a year. Beaten and starved. Life for the Turpin family’s 13 children was one of extreme horror and abuse, officials say https://t.co/yEsn1NDJJb https://t.co/X6Bkb7TUcF 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @AC360: .@ricksantorum: “You can’t beat [Trump] up when he actually says… ‘have it your way, Nancy, we’ll do exactly what you want, we’ll sit down… negotiate'” You can’t say: “‘He caved, he cratered, he’s a wimp…the President doesn’t ever compromise.’ You can’t have it both ways.” https://t.co/xZTH4iZXuL 5 years ago
@CNN: Hotel Lutetia reopens in Paris after stunning $234 million makeover https://t.co/68QCahAGz8 via @CNNTravel https://t.co/D6zALMTlZO 6 years ago